Never Never: Part One

Never Never: Part One is a fictional romance novel written by the duo of Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. It is about two former lovers who wake up one day with no memory whatsoever. This duo of dynamic authors is a formidable one as they are both bestselling authors in their regard. If you’re interested in Hoover, check out Layla. Besides that, if you want to follow up on Fisher, you should read The Wives.

The book is narrated by Kevin Free and Elizabeth Evans. Their performance is solid except for a few nitpicks. It would have been best if the two male and female voice-actors did their respective gender characters. Every moment between Silas and Charlie has vanished into thin air. Their first kiss, their flight together, the moment they fell in love, all gone in a moment. They had been in love since the age of fourteen. They spent their childhood together. Yet, one morning, they wake up as strangers.

Now, they must work together to find out about the ordeal they’re placed in. They not only have to find about this mystery but also why they were together in the first place. Silas wants to do anything so that he will remember again while Charlie wants to forget everything. The more answers that they uncover, the more confusion is created regarding the couple they used to be. It causes a great deal of discomfort for both, yet they need to be in this together so that they can keep their heads above the water.

This book is based on the concept of destined love. If someone is written for you, you will find a way to their heart. Even though this book is aimed at young girls, older people can also enjoy it because of the language and sexual content.


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