All these years there was a man who saving the U.S from monsters who were coming to the land. That one man was agent Franks who is strong and has the height of a giant. A powerful substance made his body and then a spirit with unique history entered that body. Thus the man is like superman but there are two differences between him and superman.
First difference is that he does not possess any weakness and secondly he never feels reluctant to kill which is quite opposite to superman of course. His service for the agency is acknowledged by those on the highest posts. All he wants from the agency is just one thing i.e they should never try to produce men like him ever. Director of the agency for which Franks is working for the last many years is betraying him in a hidden way.

Far away in a lab, he has been busy in experimentations along with his crew and they are thinking of a mass production of men like Franks. In the first round they have produced seven men with super human strength. For Franks this seems to be the end of the bargain as he starts towards the lab where this mean experimentation is taking place.
First target is the director of the agency but first he has to deal with the thirteen of his kind. Destroyer of Worlds and Son of the Black Sword were about fight against enemies. In this novel old allies change into blood thirsty enemies as one of the goes against the pact that was signed between them. Franks brings out the savageness that was long buried in him and is ready to unleash it on the thirteen copies of him.