
This story “Manu” is written by Anna Hackett and narrated by Samantha Cook along with Jeffrey Kafer. It is the 15th volume of the “Hell Squad” series. These The Specialist and The Troubleshooter are marvelous volumes by Anna Hackett.

As the fight against the attacking outsiders escalated and a gathering of terrible kid bikers and soldiers of fortune would stand and battle for humankind’s survival. When the previous “berserker Manu Rahia” lost his leg on a mission he had to leave his crew. He knew his new part as top of the “Enclave’s” terminating reach and arsenal was significant, however, abhor that he was not in any case out there battling against the aliens and securing his siblings’ backs. Then one lady grabbed his attention. A straightforward lady devoted to her work as head of safety. A lady who appeared to be cool on a superficial level and who Manu was persuaded finally.

Kate Scott devoted her life to her profession in the Army. She buckled down dealing with security for the “Enclave” and its occupants. She took in quite a while past that she was not an enthusiastic lady and that she was in an ideal situation adhering to her work. In any case, seeing one major bronze-cleaned, built man at the reach each day has her chemicals enhanced. She has rarely felt like this and she was passionate to get herself leveled out.

When the aliens dispatched a gooey new assault directly on the “Enclave’s” doorstep “Kate and Manu” should unite to stop the raptors before more individuals get injured. Kate would battle wildly to secure her group and the base just as her heart. “Manu Rahia” was a man who knew what he needed would stroll through fire to get it and what he needed “Kate”.

Full Audiobook
