The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist possesses one big hero and his name is Pug. The start of the series presented Pug as a lonely orphan who had no one to look after him. The boy was completely helpless in a world that is full of magic and strange creatures. Also, he had no awareness about his own origin i.e he didn’t know who he was and why his fate was always drawing him towards magic. He got lucky when he was allowed to learn magic from one of the best in the land.
Slowly he was starting to get hold of the skills when he was captured by the enemy and they made him a slave after which his life of learning magic was over. But that was in the initial span when he was allowed to penetrate deeper into that race of invaders he started to emerge as a new powerhouse among them.

Pug comes to know that he had strange powers in him from the beginning and now he realizes why he was so important for everyone. Evil is slowly creeping on the land and the people need the skills and talent of Pug to fight against it. Magician: Apprentice and Silverthorn are not with abrupt sounds by Nicholas Guy Smith.
This book however has many such sounds that work as an alert for the audience if they are feeling dizzy anywhere. Most of the time in the story is consumed by Pug’s training and war comes in the last few chapters. Perhaps the third part will depict an open war against the enemies.