Locke and Key (Titan)

This intimate story “Locke and Key (Titan)” is written by Cristin Harber and narrated by Jeffery Kafer. This is taken from the 12th volume of the “Titan” series. Cristin Harber played out this dazzling lighthearted comedy with romance turns and twists. Bothe of these Song of Redemption and Children of Angels are the best portrayals by Jeffery Kafer.

The Special Forces Operator, there was only one individual to fault for obscuring the last long periods of “Locke Oliver’s” tactical profession. Even after the task was finished, he could not shake the lady from his arguments. He criticized her for the passing in his military unit such countless years prior and he was not prepared to release that. It was driving him to the place of interruption and his “Titan Group” manager said to start thinking responsibly. By

The Feisty Fallen Reporter “Cassidy” was a shamed columnist when blamed for treachery or she was an American legend. It relied upon whom you inquire. She was determined to reconstruct her name and began with a straightforward inquiry however found a perplexing trap of secret agents and conceivable illegal exploitation.

Titan Group trusted her and Locke did not till he can refuse the reality no more about the past that she has uncovered in her examination.

Cassidy volunteered to go covert. Locke would successfully remain close by as she slipped into the organization and was offered to the most noteworthy “bidder”. Everything is going well until everything turned out badly.

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