Limited Wish

Time traveling is not easy and there is a threat that one traveling back in time can affect almost all the historical events later on. Tempering with history is like playing with fire because you don’t know how history will mold itself once an interruption is made. Nick Hayes is a boy genius of his time as he is working with Professor Halligan i.e the best mathematician of the time. The boy has fought against the odds and has survived deadly diseases like cancer.
Nobody knows how he has done it but he has outsmarted death for sure. Moreover, it is time traveling to which Nick is linked to and no one has a clear idea to which extent the boy has succeeded over the years.

One thing which Nick himself was unaware of was his interference in the past and its outcome in the future. When one day Nick saw a girl who looked quite known to him, the days of his peaceful life were numbered. The fabric of time has been destroyed so along with Mia and Helen the boy has to fix it. Only Nick knows what has happened to the world and he has to stop it before the two timelines merge drastically.

Mark Lawrence’s Grey Sister and Red Sister were magnetic because of their story and the current book possesses wonderful characters along with a mind blowing story. Matthew Frow hasn’t tried to give a new style to this book which was the right thing to do because such strong stories don’t need such kind of innovation in narration. Everything about the book is just perfect and no error can be found at any place.

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