Kage Unmasked

The story “Kage Unmasked” is written by Maris Black and narrated by J.F. Harding. J.F. Harding has phenomenal and extraordinary abilities in romantic and erotic fictional stories. He has presented this “Kage Unmasked” in a fascinated way. His narrations are versatile and would be praised by readers. These are his famous narrationsStone Cold Queen and Somebody to Hold.

The more provocative school senior “Jamie Atwood” became rigid for the “MMA” strong contender “Michael the Machine Kage”. With his warm, built body, inebriating green eyes and the tendency for unpleasant sex “Kage” was a strong sexual enhancer to the guiltless kid nearby. The vibe of his solid hand around his neck threatened him, and the information that his warrior would kill him and from the second “Kage” took hold of his hips and directed all that animosity into asserting his body.

Interests raised to peaks as the beloved one attempted to acclimatize into one another’s lives coming out to loved ones and mixing into the high-profile “MMA” world, managing the “Kage’s” crude uncle. However, behind “Kage’s” veil of solidarity and lack of interest lied a devastating weakness and a staggering mystery. As the veil falls off, past injuries, dim cravings go wild, and the harmed warrior was headed to hurt the man he adored more in life.

F.Harding is currently my best and most loved narrator. His depiction of the tale of “Kage” was fascinating. He likewise did Jamie’s voice, Jamie’s folks, kin, and companions. Additionally, each character’s voice was particularly extraordinary and this series is appealing and worth reading.

Full Audiobook
