Kage Unleashed

This love tale “Kage Unleashed” is written by Mris Black and narrated by J.F. Harding. This is the 2nd volume of the “Kage Trilogy” series. J.F. Harding has phenomenal and extraordinary abilities in romantic and erotic fictional stories. He has presented this “Kage Unleashed” in a fascinated way. His narration is versatile and would be praised by readers. These are his famous narrations Stone Cold Queen and Somebody to Hold.

My name is “Jamie Atwood” and I am a nitwit. Despite everything, I stood out enough to be noticed as “Michael Kage” the most sweltering “MMA” warrior on earth. He changed me totally and caused me to rely upon him and made me have feelings for him. I had never been with a person I met “Kage” however I had happily spent the remainder of my life hunch down for him. He was my fixation and my habit. However, I accomplished something moronic and now I am paying for it.

Michael Kage was rarely simple and such a large number of evil spirits and sufficiently not to live for. Afterward, I met “Jamie Atwood” and he has this guiltlessness about him that addresses something that counts inside me in a spot that has never been moved by anybody. He was wonderful, savvy, and gallant and he has not been polluted by the murkiness. I needed him as soon as I looked at him. It was egotistical and I knew since you could not carry something guiltless into the haziness and not anticipate that something should focus on.

Full Audiobook
