
This volume “Jacob” is written by Kris Michaels and narrated by Matt Haynes. This is the first volume of the “The Kings of the Guardian” series. These are the famous books of Kris Michaels John and Joseph by Kris Michaels.

The “CIA” could not have cared less if “Agent Victoria Marshal” lived or kicked the bucket in an “Afghani” hellfire opening. However, she endured each torment meeting with resolute assurance and human tissue has its cutoff points. She realized her time was running out.

Jacob King drove a secretly financed dark operations bunch into that “Afghani” town to assemble knowledge. He did not anticipate tracking down an “American lady”. He appreciated her fearless hilarity despite her horrifying wounds. This sort of resilient lady was somebody “Jacob” needed to know so he got permission for her for a date same time.

He settled up with the emergency clinic against clinical orders to make that date. The projectile injury he breastfed was not going to prevent him from meeting the lady who had frequented his memory. The leggy, fair and stunner in the red dress who displayed for their date took his breath away.

Slug wounds and fight marks were something “Victoria” realized how to recuperate from and she had quite recently the spot for this provocative as wrongdoing southerner to recovery. Time, nearness and their normal fascination bloomed into something neither anticipated.

There were misleading and risky incognito missions, where individuals in “Jacob’s” profession regularly evaporate and living one more day was rarely guaranteed “Jacob” and his men set for salvage of another group. To save “Jacob and the men of Guardian” Victoria strolled once more into the calling that almost killed her however this time she was playing by her standards.

Full Audiobook
