
At the start of the series, it was Sunset Park where the humans gathered and thought of the place as their last resort in the world. Most of the world was overtaken by the zombies and humans could only wait and hope that the apocalypse might end before their supplies run short. Now in this final chapter Sunset Park has been destroyed and the humans have reached the other side of the water.
Here a Safe Zone has been found and it serves as a symbol of hope for the characters narrated by Therese Plummer and Luke Daniels. In this Safe Zone, some have become hopeless because they have lost many dear ones and there is no hope that they would meet them again. One positive spark that can be observed at this stage is that the humans are tired of running away and on this last post they have finally decided to avenge the lost souls. Sarah Lyons Fleming finally transforms the characters into warriors who are also thirsty for zombie blood.
It has more barbarianism than Mordacious and Peripeteia because the humans cannot compromise their last hope which is present in front of them as a final option. Humans have decreased in number rapidly and this thin line of defense might not be enough against the zombies.
The humans have an extra edge i.e they can use their brain while the zombies have thirst for blood which they have to fulfill. If humanity loses this time there would be nothing left for the remaining humans. Zombies are like parasites here who are ready to suck every drop of blood from the human body.

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