Hold On

Finding love in life is the one crazy thing on which the authors usually write. Kristen Ashley also takes the same topic for the story but the love the author talks about here is more intense. The Merrick Family is known for their intense love which they just never allow slipping out of their hands.
However, Garrett Merrick lost the love of his life long ago when his wife was murdered. Since then he has been living in isolation i.e without any relation. He had two children and now they are also grownups and found perfect matches for themselves.
Perhaps the man needs a new beloved but he is not searching for it because he thinks that Cecelia was the first and last woman for him. On the other hand, there is a woman named Cher Rivers who has been in love with Garrett since her youth, and now she is trying hard to get to him when he is all alone in life. Cher has been an unlucky girl in her life because her fate has not allowed her to get what she desires the most.

She has lost Garrett once and is not ready to lose him again. Narrator Erin Bennett describes how desperate the woman is for Garrett. She is just ready to do anything. Real emotions were seen in Still Standing and For You now the author has tried to increase the intensity of those emotions to depict the madness present in the air. The two can unite in the story because they need one another in their life but the complexities of the family and their personal life comes in the way.

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