Hogfather is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the 20th chapter in the Discworld novel series which is written by Terry Pratchett. He was an English novelist, satirist, and humorist. In literary writing, he was known for writing fantasy novels which come with a good bit of humor as well. You will find the subject author at his best in The Long Earth novel. Apart from this, Reaper Man is another fantastic book that Terry Pratchett has written.
The audio narration of the Hogfather novel is done by Billy Nighy, Sian Clifford, and Peter Serafinowicz. The narration received mixed reviews. The idea of having multiple narrators is not bad but it had to be executed in a good way. But, that didn’t happen for this audiobook. It was that special night right ahead of the Hogswatch and something was missing all through the house.
The stockings were all set and ready in hanging form. The pies and the sherry were waiting ahead of the fireplace. But, where exactly was that particular jolly fat man along with his sack as well? It was not the right thing to do for finding out about the Death that crept well downward the chimneys. But, there should be someone there to bring in the presents for the little kiddies. If that is not done then might just stop believing. The belief was an important thing to have in the Discworld, particularly when it comes to the last night of the year. That was the moment when the time was turning.
Hogfather is a captivating novel with an intriguing story and fantastic characterization. The narration didn’t work to perfection this time and that annoyed the listeners to some extent.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 01 3849.97
- 02. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 02 3593.84
- 03. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 03 3451.07
- 04. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 04 3369.3
- 05. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 05 3501.31
- 06. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 06 3327.73
- 07. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 07 3257.74
- 08. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 08 3387.27
- 09. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 09 3557.62
- 10. Discworld 20 - Hogfather - 10 3934.99