Hate to Love You

Hate to Love You is a contemporary romance novel. It is written by Tijan. She has been on the bestselling lists in the USA multiple times. A novel like The Not-Outcast from Tijan is a gem and you would adore it. You will also be thanking this review for introducing you to the classy Rich Prick novel from the author if you haven’t listened to it already.

Savannah Peachwood has been quite regular with the narration of several novels that are written by Tijan. The solo narrator was exceptional with her part of the performance.

The top rule is that there should be no hot guys. It is something that sounds ridiculous. But, the college was my sanctuary. It was a place for me to start all over again. I endured quite a lot of rumors, jealousy, and whispers during my time in high school. Those all are gone by now. Nobody at college known me now and it is a fresh, clean start for me.

The second rule is that there should be no drama. No one should either hurt me or use me. I just wouldn’t give anybody that much space.

The third rule is to have a new place, a new me, and a new year.

All of the above rule books is because of the guy named Shay Coleman. He was a smart and a big guy on our campus who is also the captain of our football team. He was someone whom I hated on sight. He is the one who would just break all of my above rules soon.

The book will make a good read. However, you will experience quite a few side stories with not much conclusion. This wasn’t much likable, rather, it was a bit distracting.

Full Audiobook
