Harley Merlin and the Cult of Eris

Harley Merlin and the Cult of Eris is the sixth volume in Harley Merlin Series. It is a paranormal romance novel which is written be Bella Forrest. She had plenty of her series coming as bestsellers in multiple notable lists. You will especially like her Harley Merlin 2: Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins. Another story that did well for the writer and her and is the Secret Spellshadow Manor 2: The Breaker.

The narration of this chapter is done by Amanda Ronconi. Amanda is a brilliant narrator with loads of experience. Her voice was pitch perfect and ideally suitable.

Harley had a definite game plan for the sake of stopping the 3rd ritual. The plan was to permeate the Curt of Eris and get the soul of her mother back. But, the only way in she had was through Finch, who was her deceitful half-brother. He was the same man who was the most enthusiastic bootlicker of Katherine and that was the case not too long ago.

So, becoming part of a cult is more like a sibling bonding time, isn’t it?

Finch had no better choice other than to go and break out of prison. It is time now for Harley to play his role as a loyal cultist. Inside the inner circle of Katherine, there were some watchful enemies and extremely deadly instigation trials. All this would make the entire time to be a huge battle of survival.

The story gets way better than the earlier chapters of the series. You will like the characters development too. On top of that, this audiobook is richly narrated as well.  The book is recommended for sure, rather the entire Harley merlin series.

Full Audiobook
