Harley Merlin 2: Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins

Harley Merlin 2: Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins is a paranormal romance and young adult fiction novel authored by Bella Forrest. It is the second book of the Harley Merlin series, preceded by Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven. This story is about a dark past, a hidden power, and a dangerous enemy. Bella is a lover of romance, fantasy, action, and mystery. Her books revolve around these aspects and have sold millions of copies. If you’re interested in her other work, check out The Gender Game.

Amanda Ronconi is a great talent and she has done justice to this novel as the narrator of the audiobook. She brought out the various elements of the story beautifully.

Harley Merlin has many unanswered questions in her life, starting with why her father killed her mother. Also, she wants to know the extent of her magical abilities. Furthermore, there has to be a reason why Wade Crowley is as annoying as he is.

Harley fears something sinister going on after a violent gargoyle incident that sends many over to the next life. She doesn’t know what her psychotic aunt is up to, but it has to be no good. Harley soon discovers that other magical foster kids, similar to her, are in a fatal situation. Now, she must do whatever in her power to protect them.

After a while, it is also revealed that Tatyana, the Coven’s resident ghost-whisperer has plans of her own. She is willing to make sacrifices to protect her secrets.

There are some interesting elements in the book; however, most of the story doesn’t stick. The lore is interesting but this book doesn’t know what it wants to be. Thus, the potential for a mind-blowing story is wasted.

Full Audiobook
