Grady Judd

The tale “Grady Judd” is written by Ciana Stone and narrated by J. Scott Bennett. This is the first volume of the “Heartbreakers & Heroes Series”. Both of these The Boy in the Barn and Gray Horse are well-known books by Ciana Stone.

There was such an unbelievable marvel as a metropolitan legend in “Cotton Creek” that it was “Grady Judd”. He had torn out the core of each lady he hardpack in his life and he had peck abundantly. Many attempted to tie him, secure him and drag him to the special raised area, however “Grady” was not the wedding kind. Nobody was very certain what sort of man “Grady” was. He displayed up every so often, watched out for his farm and afterward would vanish similarly as quick and never say a word with regards to where he had been the point at which he got back home again.

He was an attractive allurement, moved up in a fine male pack and was all-around able to convey an evening of delight. He was likewise totally reluctant to allow anybody inside his invulnerable divider. It was all playing around or nothing by any means.

Until he displayed back up in “Cotton Creek” this opportunity to find that he was by all account not the only “heart breaker” around which prompted a different game and an altogether new inquiry. “Could Grady Judd” at long last have met his pair? This volume is including incredible characters and a story that yanks at the heartstrings and the portrayal were great and rejuvenated the entire story.

Full Audiobook
