Full Bloom

This tale “Full Bloom” is written by Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes and narrated by Lorelei King. This is the 5th volume of the “Full” series. If readers want to have a read of her work then do refer to these books The Stranger Beside Me and The Gravedigger’s Son these are the more powerful and exceptional books in their description. These mentioned books are the most intriguing volumes to quench the thirst of those who goes in-depth of wonderful Janet Work.

The temperature was roaring again in “Beaumont, South Carolina” where peach trees were on the full blossom and ready to go. So current business person “Annie Fortenberry” who has acquired her grandma’s “B&B” As per a typical clairvoyant, she additionally acquired a soul from its magnificence days as a massage parlor not the sort of exposure the “Peach Tree Bed” and breakfast needed and it was facilitating tycoon ‘Max Holt’s” impending wedding.

If bits of gossip about an underhanded, trick playing phantom were not sufficiently distressing, a secretive man has shown up with an eye on “Annie” and her lord suite. Wes Bridges was all cowhide and denim, brandishing a two-day facial hair growth, riding a “Harley” and sending the “B&B’s” sex hormone’s level through the rooftop.

Annie’s calm attitude might be dropping as quickly as Wes’s pants, however left it to her missing ex to hose the energy. It seemed that somebody has destroyed him, and all proof focuses on “Annie” Annie should discover the executioner to secure her life and return to where she was enveloped with Wes’s solid, adoring arms.

Full Audiobook
