
This volume “Freedom” is written by J.L. Drake and narrated by Stacy Gonzalez and Zachary Webber. It is the 3rd volume of the “Blackstone Series”. J.L. Drake has written several books along with the most renowned “Broken Trilogy” series. She belonged to Canada. These are his most powerful writings Unleashed and Darkness Lurks by J.L. Drake. This book “Freedom” is an exceptional portrayal and endeavored to make it amazing however its deep sense gives the readers a heads up.

Rain showered my face as I passed through the thunder of the tempest. Somewhere down in the gut of “Mexico”, my group and I were on the chase. One of the “cartel’s” donkeys flipped and needed a pass to freely. The data they hold could be our distinct advantage. Getting back to a non-military personnel way of life was consistently a change, regardless of whether it was brief. In any case, an experience with “Catalina Mandas” made that change somewhat simpler. She was sweet, provocative, spunky and perceived the truth about me. She enraptured me.

Catalina cautioned me that we would not be united and that her past and mine would never coincide. Mysteries were holding us up, however, I was not willing to leave her without any problem.

The composing is heavenly great and “Jodi” has an approach to bring the readers into the story. Her composing keeps them so keen on the storyline that it is difficult to put the book down.

Full Audiobook
