
Flame is the first installment in the Men of Inked: Heatwave novel series. This contemporary romance novel is written by Chelle Bliss. She is a resident near the Gulf of Mexico and has been the bestselling writer in WSJ and USA Today. There are many good books that Chelle Bliss has written where Broken Sparrow could be a good one to try. Once you have finished going through this recommended chapter and the subject title then Hook by Chelle Bliss could be your next book to listen to in audio.

Samantha Brentmoor and Jason Clark narrated this novel in audio format. It was an awesome performance, particularly by Jason Clark. Samantha was quite good as well.

The childhood of Gigi was all filled with the strong roars of the motorbikes and as well as the hum of the tattoo gun. She recently finished college and was just about to begin working at the tattoo studio named Inked, which was of her family. But, when she came there on her first day then she never thought about running into a tall, dark, and sexy guy. He was from her past.

Pike was a bossy biker and a very big ego with a cocky attitude. He came there to start all over again. It was a new town with a new job there. Nothing of the sort was included while coming face to face with the sexy chick who spent one complete ween in his before he disappeared without any trace.

You will find this story full of tattooed bikers. There are two generations of them to become part of this chapter. The story moves quite quickly and there will be a lot of action. The audio performance by both stands out by all means.

Full Audiobook
