First Awakenings

The government launches a secret project and Lieutenant Ash becomes a part of it as he is considered an expert for the job. Over the years the man has performed well for the navy and now he is willing to continue the good work which has brought him fame and fortune. Problem is that Ash is not on his home planet this time rather his mission has brought him to the hostile ground of an alien planet.
Adventure and women have attracted him throughout his life but he is sure that he is not going to find any women this time and the adventure has no fun in it. Author S.E. Smith then introduces an alien female in the novel who has been trained as an assassin throughout her childhood.

Kella i.e the assassin has fulfilled every mission that has been assigned to her in the past and this time the opposite happens. Kella gets injured and she is also arrested by her enemies who want to sell her for the sake of some fortune. Ash realizes that the alien female can help him reach his team members so he helps in her freedom and later the two start feeling the development of a bond between them which is narrated by David Brenin.

In Dagger’s Hope and Hunter’s Claim, the lovers had some chance to be with one another here, on the other hand, Ash and Kella just get exhausted by the tough situation. On them depends the fate of the universe so they cannot just engage themselves in love making. Instead of thinking about themselves, they give all their time to their mission.

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