For years Yelena has been studying and practicing the art of magic as an apprentice under a superb teacher and now she is free to be the master of her own will. No one is guiding her anymore and she can choose a path for herself but there are other issues rising from everywhere. An old enemy has emerged out of the dark once again and is bringing the fight to Yelena, the people of her land are under threat and she has to save them at all cost. As for her powers they are getting stranger at every step. The girl has now control over souls i.e she can capture souls and can release them too on her own will. This power is not an ordinary power because it hasn’t been mastered by any of the masters in the past. There are echoes in the council that Yelena herself can become a threat for the land so she should be exiled.

All these things make the life of the girl miserable still she moves ahead to confront her enemy before it reaches the people of the land. Gabra Zackman had a little problem in narrating the spells because the narrator was trying to give it the old style however there were no issues in the story telling. Maria V. Snyder is a genius in creating stories with mystery and magic. Most of us have observed it in Poison Study and Defending the Galaxy if someone has missed these books then he must get a copy of their audios too. Sacrifices were expected by Yelena didn’t had much to lose; the only thing she was worried about was her people.
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- 10. 010 - Fire Study 3683.98