Finding Her Chance

This tale “Finding Her Chance” is written by Brittney Sahin and narrated by Jeffery Kafer along with Heather Costa. It is the 4th volume of the “Stealth Ops” series. Both The Final Hour and The Real deal are the best portrayals of Brittney Sahin.

An intoxicated night in “Vegas” prompted an unplanned marriage.  A top “Navy SEAL” and one of the renowned shooters of the world “Liam Evans” lived and inhaled his operation. It was a basic and single lifestyle choice to keep his heart secure and his mind in the game. However, one night in “Vegas” with his wonderful companion obliterated his one standard and leaving him in danger of succumbing to his own better half.

Emily Summers was an effective legal counselor for the principal legal officer, avoided charmers with attractive accents and wrecking grins and at the end of the week in “Vegas” would not re-shape that. However, when “Emily and Liam” meet to sign their “it-never-happened” dissolution papers, the night turned out lethal when a professional killer focused on “Emily”.

Both “Liam and Emily” before long find out the hit was identified with both of their positions and an operation including a super virtuoso with billions of dollar abundance on her head. Destiny may have integrated them all however they needed an opportunity that they would battle for it.

The Stealth Ops SEAL Team “Navy SEALS” handled undercover operations for the president in the USA throughout the planet under the pretense of a pseudonym “Scott and Scott Securities”.

Full Audiobook
