Fangs for the Memories

This volume “Fangs for the Memories” is written by Molly Harper and narrated by Amanda Ronconi. This is the 11th volume of the “Half Moon Hollow” series. Molly Harper is a renowned writer of the USA and has written on several romantic series. These Nice Girl’s Don’t Have Fangs and The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires are her paranormal books.

The “Half-Moon Hollow’s” number one couple was for an outing through a world of fond memories to when “Mr. Wainwright” was recently dead. Jane Jameson was a beginner “vampire” and a sprouting incredible sentiment was not still unloosened.

The “Half-Moon Hollow’s” was a powerful get-together of the era of “Zeb’s Titanic-themed” marriage was up coming and “Dick Cheney” needed an outing. Andrea has enough of shrewdness, attractiveness, and daring to endure forever, and “Dick Cheney” was positively not the kind of man to get back to mother “Andrea’s deadliest guardians are addressing her since the time she exited the school and turned into a blood substitute”. Indecent, tenacious, crafty, with a “Stetson” commendable strut and mischievous shimmer in his eyes and a steady smile he has and “Dick” was the last individual “vampire” Andrea urged to go for outing.

The enraging powerful man who lived unobtrusively on the edge of a criminal hidden world knew precisely what he needed and once he astounded “Andrea” with an exciting warm and messy peck behind the “bookshop” she understood what she needed as well.


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