Emerald Blaze is a paranormal romance fantasy novel. It is the fifth book in the Hidden Legacy novel series. The book is authored by Ilona Andrews. This is the pen name of a husband-wife duo who wrote some exciting romance novels together, and one of their best is Sweep of the Heart. Another exciting title of Ilona Andrews to mention here is White Hot. Emily Rankin has done the narrator of Emerald Blaze’s novel. She had a weird style of narration and the overall experience with this narration was quite annoying for the listeners.
As the prime uses of the magic, Catalina Baylor along with her sisters had extraordinary powers. Those were the powers that their cruel grandmother would love to fully control. Catalina could very well earn her family some level of protection which working as the deputy for the Warden of Texas. Her job was to oversee the breaches related to the law of magic in the state. But on the other side, it all came with its share of risk as well. When House Baylor was under a vicious attack and the monsters were haunting her at every instance then Catalina was forced to rely on dangerous, handsome Alessandro Sagredo. He was the Prime who once crushed her heart.

The nightmare that Alessandro Sagredo had fought right since childhood had come back roaring back to life. But then Catalina was under grave threat. It couldn’t even be his lifelong quest for taking revenge that would stop him from keeping her safe.
This novel from Ilona Andrews was excellent and one of the finest in the series. This instalment experienced a change of narrator which didn’t work well for the listeners.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (01) 24.7642
- 02. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (02) 461.543
- 03. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (03) 2952.47
- 04. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (04) 2738.41
- 05. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (05) 3060.63
- 06. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (06) 1763.22
- 07. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (07) 2294.02
- 08. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (08) 2315.58
- 09. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (09) 323.263
- 10. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (10) 3325.39
- 11. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (11) 2082.52
- 12. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (12) 2939.63
- 13. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (13) 3792.69
- 14. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (14) 4492.14
- 15. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (15) 2948.39
- 16. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (16) 3504.58
- 17. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (17) 1866.86
- 18. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (18) 2907.54
- 19. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (19) 1663.76
- 20. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (20) 126.62
- 21. Emerald Blaze- A Hidden Legacy Novel (21) 47.0983