Easy for Keeps

This tale “Easy for Keeps” is written by Kristen Proby and narrated by Rachel Fulginiti and Sebastian York. This is taken from “1001 Dark Nights Series”. Both Courage and Breathe with Me are remarkable publications of Kristen Proby.

Adam Spencer loves ladies. Despite their varying characteristics and paying little heed to hair or eye tone, religion or race he appreciated them all. A spouse and children in addition to the “white picket fence” were not likely for this affirmed single man till a delightful lady and her sweet princess in a real sense thump him on his butt.

Sarah Cox has recently moved to “New Orleans” having acknowledged a situation as a social laborer having some expertise in danger ladies and kids. It was a testing and a hazardous work, however “Sarah” was no modest loner. She can deal with pretty much anything even the considerations of one provocative “Adam Spencer”. Since he has enchanted her girl, making her consider supernatural realms with joyfully ever after and does not imply that “Sarah” trusts in fantasies. The additional time she went through with the charming man, the more he started to influence her into having confidence in a long time. By considering all the things when “Sarah’s” work turned out to be more perilous than any of them expected, will she be torn from Adam’s life for eternity?

Both “Adam and Sarah” were unimaginable together. Sarah stirred his actual alpha nature, first through his defensive side, quickly after gathering and afterward, immediately they begin dating and his predominant and possessive impulses assumed control over where she was concerned.

Full Audiobook
