Easy is a contemporary romance novel. It is the fourth chapter in the Burnout novel series. The book is written by Dahlia West. You will find her writing exciting contemporary romance novels. If you are interested in trying a few more novels by Dahlia West then go first with her Tex novel. Another significant novel of the author to mention here is Shooter.
The audio narration of Easy novel is done by Mason Lloyd. He did an awesome job narrating this book as usual. He perfectly portrayed the characters not just in the Easy novel but throughout the series.
Jimmy ‘Easy’ Turnbull lost more than his lower right leg in the Iraq war. The good looks of that brave man charmed numerous women into bed. But with his disability, such things have stopped for more than three years. In his place was a defensive and surly wounded warrior who was plagued by self-doubt and as well as anger.

Daisy does not give a damn what the people think about them, and not ever about her piercings, tattoos, or anything else. The opinions of the other people had never bothered her, not even the hot ex-Army Ranger who took her to bed occasionally. He couldn’t seem to even remember her name afterwards.
Daisy wanted to have a new life, and she was quite determined to get it. Easy wanted to have his old, good life back. But he knew that it was impossible then.
Easy is an awesome MC romance novel overall, and it is a critical novel in the series. You will find the character development to be excellent with outstanding narration given as well.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Easy by Dahlia West (01) 466.768
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- 03. Easy by Dahlia West (03) 429.383
- 04. Easy by Dahlia West (04) 704.609
- 05. Easy by Dahlia West (05) 297.843
- 06. Easy by Dahlia West (06) 452.556
- 07. Easy by Dahlia West (07) 714.955
- 08. Easy by Dahlia West (08) 722.401
- 09. Easy by Dahlia West (09) 593.056
- 10. Easy by Dahlia West (10) 384.213
- 11. Easy by Dahlia West (11) 545.038
- 12. Easy by Dahlia West (12) 421.153
- 13. Easy by Dahlia West (13) 627.854
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- 15. Easy by Dahlia West (15) 719.031
- 16. Easy by Dahlia West (16) 849.42
- 17. Easy by Dahlia West (17) 488.007
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- 19. Easy by Dahlia West (19) 548.617
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- 22. Easy by Dahlia West (22) 347.402
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- 25. Easy by Dahlia West (25) 203.219
- 26. Easy by Dahlia West (26) 633.053
- 27. Easy by Dahlia West (27) 288.229
- 28. Easy by Dahlia West (28) 400.044
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- 36. Easy by Dahlia West (36) 469.824
- 37. Easy by Dahlia West (37) 410.39
- 38. Easy by Dahlia West (38) 232.557
- 39. Easy by Dahlia West (39) 281.907