Eastbound and Down is the eighth chapter of The Good Guys Series. It is a science fiction and fantasy novel which is written by Eric Ugland. He is a US-based author who has got an excellent command over fantasy and fiction novels which he is known for writing. One of his better novels and recommended one is Killing Them Awfully. On top of that, One More Last Time is another sensational novel that Eric Ugland has written.
The audio narration of this novel is done by Neil Hellegers. The performance was quite cool and Neil Hellegers deserves all the praise that he got for his outstanding narration.

The journey of Montana until now was just in one direction. It was only upwards. But, now he is at square one once again. He found himself stuck right at the top of the mountain and was facilitated with only the most basic gear. This was required for the sake of helping him to return to the Coggeshall. It will be a very long walk. But another thing is for certain that it will not be a boring one at all.
In one of the most legendary LitRPG’s medieval fantasy kind of road trips, Montana was up against a pack of wolf people. It was in a town that was right out of the Wild West. The place was complete with a sheriff of heavy-hand type. This is a series that keeps on being enjoyable with every new novel coming in. Eastbound and Town is arguably the best novel in the series. The awesome narration by Neil Hellegers made it even better in audio.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (01) 535.737
- 02. chapter001 535.737
- 03. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (02) 190.182
- 04. chapter002 190.182
- 05. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (03) 419.194
- 06. chapter003 419.194
- 07. chapter004 146.501
- 08. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (04) 146.501
- 09. chapter005 927.482
- 10. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (05) 927.482
- 11. chapter006 463.946
- 12. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (06) 463.946
- 13. chapter007 656.435
- 14. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (07) 656.435
- 15. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (08) 651.158
- 16. chapter008 651.158
- 17. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (09) 241.701
- 18. chapter009 241.701
- 19. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (10) 546.266
- 20. chapter010 546.266
- 21. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (11) 537.906
- 22. chapter011 1424.27
- 23. chapter012 1424.27
- 24. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (12) 272.528
- 25. chapter013 492.866
- 26. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (13) 841.348
- 27. chapter014 492.866
- 28. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (14) 167.924
- 29. chapter015 806.549
- 30. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (15) 267.591
- 31. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (16) 606.745
- 32. chapter016 806.549
- 33. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (17) 501.435
- 34. chapter017 667.695
- 35. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (18) 271.927
- 36. chapter018 667.695
- 37. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (19) 411.801
- 38. chapter019 702.755
- 39. chapter020 702.755
- 40. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (20) 751.896
- 41. chapter021 537.906
- 42. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (21) 97.5691
- 43. chapter022 1231.63
- 44. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (22) 353.777
- 45. chapter023 1231.63
- 46. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (23) 324.334
- 47. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (24) 504.753
- 48. chapter024 2326.6
- 49. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (25) 149.715
- 50. chapter025 2326.6
- 51. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (26) 106.478
- 52. chapter026 1390.57
- 53. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (27) 272.371
- 54. chapter027 1390.57
- 55. chapter028 1644.56
- 56. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (28) 1810.87
- 57. chapter029 1644.56
- 58. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (29) 168.472
- 59. chapter030 2141.71
- 60. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (30) 763.835
- 61. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (31) 78.3149
- 62. chapter031 2141.71
- 63. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (32) 789.49
- 64. chapter032 272.528
- 65. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (33) 296.276
- 66. chapter033 1446.06
- 67. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (34) 317.594
- 68. chapter034 1446.06
- 69. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (35) 1090.74
- 70. chapter035 1882.82
- 71. chapter036 1882.82
- 72. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (36) 652.751
- 73. chapter037 1062.34
- 74. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (37) 183.39
- 75. chapter038 1062.34
- 76. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (38) 763.809
- 77. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (39) 197.184
- 78. chapter039 1526.55
- 79. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (40) 118.338
- 80. chapter040 1526.55
- 81. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (41) 826.117
- 82. chapter041 1083.87
- 83. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (42) 658.865
- 84. chapter042 1083.87
- 85. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (43) 448.349
- 86. chapter043 841.348
- 87. chapter044 1530.5
- 88. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (44) 1257.44
- 89. chapter045 1530.5
- 90. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (45) 506.687
- 91. chapter046 1919.47
- 92. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (46) 1093.09
- 93. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (47) 212.127
- 94. chapter047 1919.47
- 95. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (48) 321.957
- 96. chapter048 973.723
- 97. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (49) 297.922
- 98. chapter049 973.723
- 99. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (50) 575.448
- 100. chapter050 222.133
- 101. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (51) 1017.67
- 102. chapter051 222.133
- 103. chapter052 33.6982
- 104. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (52) 344.712
- 105. chapter053 33.6982
- 106. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (53) 166.408
- 107. chapter054 167.924
- 108. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (54) 588.379
- 109. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (55) 561.549
- 110. chapter055 16.3526
- 111. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (56) 452.033
- 112. chapter056 267.591
- 113. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (57) 422.851
- 114. chapter057 606.745
- 115. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (58) 747.846
- 116. chapter058 501.435
- 117. Eastbound and Town Eric Ugland (59) 382.436
- 118. chapter059 271.927
- 119. chapter060 411.801
- 120. chapter061 751.896
- 121. chapter062 97.5691
- 122. chapter063 353.777
- 123. chapter064 324.334
- 124. chapter065 504.753
- 125. chapter066 149.715
- 126. chapter067 106.478
- 127. chapter068 272.371
- 128. chapter069 1810.87
- 129. chapter070 168.472
- 130. chapter071 763.835
- 131. chapter072 78.3149
- 132. chapter073 789.49
- 133. chapter074 296.276
- 134. chapter075 317.594
- 135. chapter076 1090.74
- 136. chapter077 652.751
- 137. chapter078 183.39
- 138. chapter079 763.809
- 139. chapter080 197.184
- 140. chapter081 118.338
- 141. chapter082 826.117
- 142. chapter083 658.865
- 143. chapter084 448.349
- 144. chapter085 1257.44
- 145. chapter086 506.687
- 146. chapter087 1093.09
- 147. chapter088 212.127
- 148. chapter089 321.957
- 149. chapter090 297.922
- 150. chapter091 575.448
- 151. chapter092 1017.67
- 152. chapter093 344.712
- 153. chapter094 166.408
- 154. chapter095 588.379
- 155. chapter096 561.549
- 156. chapter097 452.033
- 157. chapter098 422.851
- 158. chapter099 747.846
- 159. chapter100 382.436
- 160. chapter101 16.3526
- 161. chapter102 1174.05
- 162. chapter103 1174.05
- 163. chapter104 1555.53
- 164. chapter105 1555.53
- 165. chapter106 1234.11
- 166. chapter107 1234.11
- 167. chapter108 790.979
- 168. chapter109 790.979
- 169. chapter110 1446.51
- 170. chapter111 1446.51
- 171. chapter112 1708.78
- 172. chapter113 1708.78
- 173. chapter114 810.546
- 174. chapter115 810.546
- 175. chapter116 2047.25
- 176. chapter117 2047.25
- 177. chapter118 998.281
- 178. chapter119 998.281
- 179. chapter120 2058.75
- 180. chapter121 2058.75
- 181. chapter122 891.952
- 182. chapter123 727.26
- 183. chapter124 727.26
- 184. chapter125 871.156
- 185. chapter126 871.156
- 186. chapter127 924.608
- 187. chapter128 924.608
- 188. chapter129 1015.31
- 189. chapter130 1015.31
- 190. chapter131 1631.45
- 191. chapter132 1631.45
- 192. chapter133 894.904
- 193. chapter134 894.904
- 194. chapter135 862.326
- 195. chapter136 862.326
- 196. chapter137 976.231
- 197. chapter138 976.231
- 198. chapter139 607.816
- 199. chapter140 607.816