Driving Mr. Dead is a paranormal romance novel. It is the sixth chapter in the Half-Moon Hollow novel series. The book is written by Molly Harper. A Witch’s Handbook of Kisses and Curses is one novel by Molly Harper that deserves to be mentioned here. The same could also be said about her Sweet Tea and Sympathy novel.
The audio narration of Driving Mr. Dead is beautifully done by Amanda Ronconni. Miranda had failed at every job that she ever had. Her mother wanted her to come back home and become part of the law firm of the family. She wanted her to settle down with Jason who was the perfect lawyer boyfriend material. But when he turned out to be a lying cheater, Miranda then seized on a job that got her right out of town. It was meant to be a long-distance vamp transportation.

The very first assignment that she got was to drive the vamp Collin to the sleepy Half Moon Hollow from Washington without any incident. It was no small feat for any woman for whom trouble always seems to follow just like an extremely faithful hound dog. Moreover, she had to do that without letting her passenger. He was the stuffiest, persnickety, and devastatingly handsome vampire that she had ever come across. He was the one who always drive her crazy. She and Collin came across disaster on the roads and they also discovered an undeniable spark amid them. Could Miranda have finally found the perfect job and the perfect man for her?
Driving Mr. Dead is a hilarious book that will lead to unprompted bursts of laughter throughout. It also has a strong story with an even stronger narration.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Driving Mr Dead (Half Moon Hollow 1.5)_01 3031.42
- 02. Driving Mr Dead (Half Moon Hollow 1.5)_02 3031.42
- 03. Driving Mr Dead (Half Moon Hollow 1.5)_03 3031.42
- 04. Driving Mr Dead (Half Moon Hollow 1.5)_04 3031.42
- 05. Driving Mr Dead (Half Moon Hollow 1.5)_05 3031.42
- 06. Driving Mr Dead (Half Moon Hollow 1.5)_06 2963.03