
Dreamfever is an urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and Celtic mythology novel written by Karen Marie Moning. It serves as the fourth book in the Fever series. it tells the story of the main characters that journey into a super world after the murder of the protagonist’s sister. Karen is a renowned author who is the winner of the Romance Writers of America RITA award for Best Paranormal Romance. You should listen to Darkfever which is the first novel of the series and has also been a #1 New York Times bestseller. Furthermore, don’t forget to check out Faefever.

This audiobook goes the route of dual narrators and it is working very fine for them. Natalie Ross and Phil Gigante do a good job with the characters of the book. They both add levels of enjoyment that just can’t be attained by reading the hard copy.

MacKayla can never allow the murderer of her sister to take her future, even though he has stolen her past. Even then, the uniquely gifted sidhe-seer is no competition for the Lord Master. He has unleashed a craving that consumes Mac’s every single thought. She finds herself between Jericho Barrons and V’Lane. Both vie for her body and soul. Cryptic entities from the diary of her sister also appear in front of her. Then, her greatest enemy delivers a challenge that she absolutely can’t refuse.

The story of this book is exceptional and the characters are spell-binding. At some point, you do feel that the book could do with a bit more plot development. Still, this is not one book that you can read as a standalone. You need to be caught up with the series to indulge in this one.

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