Don’t Touch the Blue Stuff!

The first episode was well written and it had details which the listener of this book might need to understand the second part. Those who have not listened to any of the chapters of the first part will never be able to understand what is going on in this part. Rob Dircks provided all the information about the storyline and its characters in the first part so the author didn’t bother to put too many details in the second installment.
A narration of the series is not given to anyone else and this job is also done by the author himself. It is “Blue Juice” that is coming for the people of the earth and Chip, Tesla, and Gina stands in the way. If this thing reaches the human race then everything would be over before anyone would be able to understand what is going on.
The concept of the multiverse was used in the previous part too when a talk about Nikola Tesla started. Now the heroes have to stop the destruction of the multiverse unless everything gets compromised. The existence of these heroes would be also put on the line if the “Blue Juice” reaches its destination. You’re Going to Mars! and Where the Hell Is Tesla? can develop the understanding level of the listeners and they would be able to understand this part of the series very well.
This is the multiverse that the author talks about and also in the series the concept of time travel plays a big role. People who don’t have ideas about these things in their minds will suffer a lot while understanding the story.

Full Audiobook
