Dominance Never Dies

Dominance Never Dies is a contemporary romance novel. It is the 11th chapter of the Masters and Mercenaries novel series which is written by Lexi Blake. She is a highly talented author and has given multiple bestsellers as well. It will be a very good idea to invest your time in her Back in Bliss novel. It comes with a highly fascinating story. Master No is another novel by the author that will give you another dimension about the writing abilities of the author.

Ryan West is the narrator and in the 11th chapter, it is needless to mention that how good he is with her vocal performance. He just got better and better with each chapter and you will be appreciated him for that.

 Since losing Theo, Case’s twin brother in the line of duty, he was completely dead from inside. He was the ex-Navy SEAL who completely devoted himself to his family and the business they had. But, he felt quite down after seeing everyone else moving forward with their lives. It was Mia who helped him to come out of his misery. But, he was heartbroken to know that she was just a reporter who was interacting with him for a story.

Mia was unable to get Case out of her mind, even though they were not lovers. She felt quite good when she used to be with Case and she wants to have that feeling again. She knew that Case will welcome her into his life if she can find any clue about Theo.

It took months for her to find the clue and then both of them set off in search of Theo. It was a dangerous search. They were pulled together several times but they confronted their mutual attraction.

This chapter comes as a great installment in the series and will hook you with the plot right from the start. Ryan West with his performance was at his usual best.

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