Dirty Mother

Dirty Mother is a contemporary romance novel. It is the fifth chapter of the Uncertain Saints novel series which is written by Lani Lynn Vale. You can trust her as a writer if you are more into contemporary romance novels. A good example of her good work is her novel Conjugal Visits. The author could also be seen as the best literary writing skills in her Jack & Coke novel.

This novel is narrated by the duo of Mason Lloyd and Kendall Taylor. They both were incredibly good with their part of performances and made the characters come to life. It is a type of performance that you would love to have in any other audiobook.

Ridley does not think that he is left with anything else which he could go on to lose. This was the case especially after the kind of life that he has always lived so far. But, then he soon meets Freya Capone. She was the nurse who helped him in saving his life. He was completely transfixed by having just one good look at her. He had no idea that what pushed him to run by Freya’s house that night. It might be his sixth sense, perhaps intuitions.

Freya on the other side was devastated by the death of his brother. She had nothing else to lose but only until she met him.

The story of this Dirty Mother novel is just fine. It is not the type that would kind of stick with you though. The male lead seems to be a lot wimpy and weak with the character. He was not having the romantic bone in his body which should have been there for the type of character he was.

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