When people die they either go to heaven or hell according to the deeds that they have performed during their lifetime in the world of flesh. Then some unlucky ones just get stuck between the two worlds and are tormented constantly by their miserable state. James Crowley also lost his body of flesh when he was shot. Later he was going towards hell because of the bad deeds that he had performed in his lifetime.
An opportunity just came his way and he had no option but to grab it firmly. It was a chance of saving himself from the fire of hell i.e by signing a pact with the White Throne. Now he serves the White Throne like a slave and although he is not in hell his life is not as good as it seems to be. Rhett c. Bruno and Jamie Castle turn James into such a character that we feel pity for him.

He is charged with the duty to keep an eye on the demons who try to mix themselves into the world of humans. As a first mission, James goes to Dead Acre where the local cobbler has gone missing.
The problem would have been easy to resolve if the town had a sheriff of its own. Rather the town is full of gangs who don’t allow any law-enforcing agencies to flourish. Further Roger Clark narrates the character of a woman who constantly distracts James from his main task. James just cannot focus on anything in her presence. First, he thinks that it is love then he doubts that perhaps she is intentionally doing all of this.