Light of love ignites the passion in the dark Carpathian world of Dimitri. Dimitri has been there in the world for centuries and it is he who has kept a nice equilibrium between the world of humans and other creatures. No vampire has been able to touch a human on his watch and this is why people of the world think that vampires don’t exist anymore. When he started the campaign others like him used to help him but then they started to lose interest in the thing and slowly vanished. Now, this lone survivor is on the brink of death because the enemies are coming from all sides and he is in an isolated situation.
Lycans also know that Dimitri would not be able to save himself if they attack at the right time and catch him unguarded. However, no one expected Skyler to enter like a savior for the old legend. The girl was just nineteen years of age and she was crazy about Dimitri, she wanted to have that monster in her bed.

Whether he was an ancient one or not the girl was not thinking about all those complications. When she saved him from the enemy, one thing was clear i.e she was the perfect mate for Dimitri. The two united and decided to form a legacy of their own. Christine Feehan has worked on Skyler more because she was new to all of this and still there was no fear in her heart because her love was hardcore.
For the listeners of Shadow Storm and Shadow Rider, the rise of evil was not something that would surprise them. Old fans know how the author lets the evil loose in the middle of the novel. Narrators Phil Gigante and Natalie Ross also had this idea in their minds that’s why they knew exactly when to use their full energy.
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- 01. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_01 3019.35
- 02. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_02 3019.35
- 03. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_03 3019.35
- 04. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_04 3019.35
- 05. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_05 3019.35
- 06. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_06 3019.35
- 07. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_07 3019.35
- 08. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_08 3019.35
- 09. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_09 3019.35
- 10. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_10 3019.35
- 11. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_11 3019.35
- 12. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_12 3019.35
- 13. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_13 3019.35
- 14. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_14 3019.35
- 15. Dark Wolf (Dark 25)_15 3019.25