Dark Planet Warriors

Dark Planet Warriors is a paranormal romance book, the 1st of the Dark Planet Warriors series written by Anna Carven. It is followed by Dark Planet Falling. Anna is known for her science fiction and paranormal romance novels. The aforementioned series is one of her best-known. You may also check out Taming Chaos, the first of the Darkstar Mercenaries series.

This audiobook is narrated by Jillian Macie and Todd McLaren. While Jillian seems perfect for the task, Todd failed to impress on many fronts. He is a fine voice actor but he wasn’t suited for this role. Thus, it resulted in an underwhelming audio product.

Some terrifying aliens board Fortuna Tau, the little asteroid mining station. They’re Kordolians by the looks. But the main question is: what do they even want with this floating rust bucket? Why are they even here?

Abbey has never seen a Kordolian up close and personal. The humans stand no chance against them. When she encounters the captain, she realizes she has never met a more insufferable, arrogant, and dominating person ever.

The Kordolian’s ship was sucked into a wormhole and spat out near a human mining station. They were stuck with the humans because their craft needed to be fixed. Tarak can’t figure out why a human female has captured his attention. She’s awkward and messy. He needs to get out of there before he goes insane.

The love story of Abbey and Tarak is a unique one and it doesn’t get better than these two. The story seems to be a delightful and interesting experience. However, the story isn’t without flaws and it has a few plot holes that plague it. Nonetheless, it can be enjoyed by a multitude of people.

Full Audiobook
