Dark Deeds

Prisoners want freedom more than anything as captivity kills the prisoners psychologically. Fiona was leading a normal life when she was abducted and after that, she was forced to turn into a slave. At first, she was hoping for a rescue but no one came to her rescue and she thought that the aliens who have abducted her have made a mistake.
Then Grih saw her and brought her to the light of freedom within no time. At this stage, the woman understood the importance of her presence. Grih wanted her on his side because this would provide him an extra edge in the upcoming war. Tecran and Grih are on the verge of war and soon only one side will remain on the face of the world.

Fiona becomes a vital part of all this situation and at first, Grih wanted her for the war, and later his interest in her changes to a new level. Michelle Diener always tries to highlight the role of destiny in our lives and here the author has done the same thing. Dark Minds and Dark Matters are not very far behind in quality as compared to this novel. It is up to the listener which part he chooses first.

Christina Delaine goes low at points but it was intentional i.e to make the story more grasping through narration. Love does not dominate the first half of the novel as the author talks more about the upcoming war rather than the search for a perfect mate by the alpha in the show. Continuity is just marvelous so positively prepare your mind before listening to this series.

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