Crossroads of Twilight is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the tenth chapter in Wheel of Time novel series. The author of this novel is the legendry Robert Jordan who gave science fiction lovers with some top class and original entertainment. The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising are two of the must check novels from Robert Jordan, apart from many others.
If it is about the narration of any chapter of the Wheel of Time novel series, Kate Reading and Michael Kramer would be the consistent names. People loved them for their strong performance and excellent coordination. They believe that no change is required for any of the narrators as they are doing the job with perfection.

Mat Cauthon came to learn that could keep daughter of the Nine Moons, nor let her go. She was the one who he was fated to marry. It was actually due to the safety concerns for both of them. It was the Shadow and the Seanchan Empire might who was in a very deadly pursuit.
As far as Perrin Aybara is concerned, he was looking to free Faile, his wife. She was under the captivity of Shaido. The only hope there was only in having a strategic alliance with the enemy. But, is it possible for him to stay always true to Rand, his friend and also himself? Actually, Perrin is determined to even sell his soul for the his immense love for Faile.
The Crossroads of Twilight has got all the required depth and breadth for making this novel a sensation. Robert Jordan without any doubt is a highly regarded and an acknowledged great of the science fiction genre.