Boss Fight is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the third chapter in level Up! novel series. The book is written by Simon Archer. He is a very skillful and mesmerizing writer of science fiction and fantasy novels. If you want to give this writer a chance then try out his I’m the Bad Guy novel. Once you are done with this one then you must also try out Yes, Master novel by Simon Archer.
The audio narration of Boss Fight novel is done by Gary Furlong. Their performance was pretty cool and thoroughly enjoyable. It was the time for a big boss fight.
When the number one hero of the world approaches Sam and his team of the great heroes under training then things changed quite a lot. There was a secret villain group that was threatening the entire world. It was the time to level up in a way which has never been done before. The difficulty level had gone up viciously and it reached to point of hardcore mode. However, if Sam could get just enough levels and achieve well enough quests then he could just have a chance to fully lead his team to triumph. And subsequently, save this world from destruction.
But all that was only possible if the horrific truth and reality behind the villains does not break the game completely. This novel is from a very well-written and exciting series. You will find this chapter one of the best in the series for its quality of content, characterization, and narration. The audiobook also comes with some extreme superpowers, sex scenes, hot women, strange gadgets, collapsing buildings, crazy power levels, etc. Listeners’ discretion is advised.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Boss Fight - Level Up!, Book 3_01 5414.85
- 02. Boss Fight - Level Up!, Book 3_02 5414.85
- 03. Boss Fight - Level Up!, Book 3_03 5414.85
- 04. Boss Fight - Level Up!, Book 3_04 5414.85
- 05. Boss Fight - Level Up!, Book 3_05 5414.85
- 06. Boss Fight - Level Up!, Book 3_06 5414.8