Borrowing Blue

This romantic tale “Borrowing Blue” is written by Lucy Lennox and narrated by Michael Dean. This is the first volume of the “Made Marian” series. Lucy Lennox is also a famous American writer who documented “Borrowing Blue” in a fascinating way that will grab the attention of the readers  Hot as Heller and Moving Maverick.

Blue stated that when my ex strolled into the retreat club with his new spouse on his side. I needed just to demonstrate to him that I have continued ahead. Fortunately, the attractive unusual person sitting close to me was more than able to share a couple of pecks for the sake of retribution. It was nice when those searing pecks transformed into an evening of red hot energy. The solitary issue was turned out that the odd person’s sibling was wedding my sister within a few days.

Tristan stated that I have one principle and that was not playing with the visitors at my grape plantation resort. The one exemption I describe turned as one of a relative of the lady was going to a wedding with my sibling. Currently, we remained together for seven days of marriage exercises.

So we make share out that during this wedding period we would be amused of each other’s bodies and get it out of our framework. When the wedding lady and lucky man said that they would be a part of this game and it would all be done between us.

This “Borrowing Blue” is the first in the new “Made Marian series”. Each book recounts the narrative of one of the “Marian” siblings’ quests for genuine romance.

Full Audiobook
