Born in Fire

Born in Fire marks the first installment in the Born In novel series. It is written by Nora Roberts. She has written a lot of romance novels in her career where many of them were the best sellers. If you are a fan of romance novels then it is impossible to have not tried at least one book from the author. In many cases, Come Sundown is the best novel from the lot that Nora Roberts has written. The Awakening novel also became quite a sensation when it got published.

A lot of thumbs down were given for the narration of Fiacre Douglas. It was not an acceptable performance at all and the audience found it hard to deal with the annoying voice of the narrator.

The story in this novel is of Maggie Concannon. She is a glassmaker who is known for her exquisite works. Her products are a lot more than just another object of beauty. They are the reflections of her real nature. There is only one man who can see the actual soul of her in the work. That man is determined to help in building a very lucrative career for Maggie.

When Rogan Sweeney, a gallery owner comes to the isolated studio of Maggie then her heart gets inflamed with the fierce attraction between them. It was a feeling that nobody could deny. This was an opportunity for her to heal her scarred past with the love and affection coming from the gentleman.

Nora Roberts is all love in this novel. Only she could have pulled such brilliant writing which thoroughly mesmerized the audience. On the other hand, the narration ruined such brilliant writing.


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