Blood Magick

Blood Magick is the third and final chapter in The Cousins O’Dwyer Trilogy. Nora Roberts has got plenty of series and standalone novels to her credit. The best novels that worked for the majority of her audience are: Year One and The Awakening.
The narration by Susan Ericksen will draw you into this novel. The performance in this novel is much better as compared with the first two chapters with different narrators.
Country Mayo is considered rich in Ireland traditions. Brianna O’Dwyer fully embraces the legends in her work and life as the owner of The Dark Witch shop. The shop used to have lotions, soaps, and different types of candles for the tourists coming in. They all were crafted with a special touch of Branna. It was the selflessness and strength of Branna that keeps together the entire circle of family and friends. It also includes their hawks and horses along with the loving hound. But, there was a missing link in her life. And, that for sure was love.

She had it once for a little moment. The guy was Finbar Burke. But, the shared future is something that is outlawed by blood and history. It was the actual reason that Fin spent a good part of his life while traveling the world. He wanted to fill up the chasm within him that was caused by Branna.
The relationship between Fin and Branna offers them both good torment and comfort. But, there could be no promises for the future. It is because a shadow storm is chasing and threatening them both. It will test both of them with their love and commitment.
Nora Roberts managed to tune the storyline and characters of this novel quite well, as per her writing standards. It comes to a very exciting and climatic finish.

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