Black Sheep

Black Sheep is one of the finest novels that Meghan March has ever written. She is also featured in the bestselling author list for the novel and puts her in the league of the top authors. If you find her a good writer then start with her Beneath This Mask and White Knight novels.
Andi Arndt and Sebastian York make a great pair for narration when it comes to narrating romantic novels. It will be hard for you to resist their lure with such apt expression and emotion.

Black Sheep is a thing in every family and it was the same case with the Casso crime family as well. But, this time, the black sheep is Cannon Freeman. And, that is me. It is just that I am not a free man at all. I have never been free in my life. It is the case since my birth. I owe a lot to my dad, Dominic Casso. This is the case even if he disowns me to be his blood child. I never had any intentions to go against the wishes of my father. But, everything changed when I met her.
Drew Carson came into my life and everything turned upside down in my world. She came to my club while looking for a job. It is not just my honor, but my life is on the line as well.
The fans of Meghan March knew that it will be going to be a superb novel. It was wonderfully written and the characters will entice you in every possible manner. The book was narrated quite well too and it all ended at a very exciting cliffhanger.

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