Birthday Girl

Penelope Douglas is the author of the Birthday Girl novel. She is a romance writer from the USA.  She so far has got more than 30 books to her credit. If you are looking for the best one then try our Credence novel. Punk 57 could also help a lot in your relaxed time over the weekend. Andrew Eiden and Jennifer Mack have narrated this book. They both complimented well to play the story of a younger woman and older man in this novel.

Jordan took me home when I had no place to live. He never used me at all and neither he hurts me nor forgets about me. I always felt protected with him and he also makes me laugh. In short, he was doing everything to make me happy and comfortable. But, I have to stop all this from happening. As per my sister, there are no good men. If you find one then he would be unavailable. But, it is not only Pike who is unavailable. It is the case with me also.

Pike took her in because as to help her. She would go on to clean and cook food as well. It was a very convenient arrangement. But, things changed in a few days. I was developing feelings for her and couldn’t help myself to get hold of her at home when she bumps into me while in the house. But there is a problem. She is only 19 years old and I am 38 years.

This is a fantastic book which has got almost everything that you would like to have in a novel from Penelope Douglas.  It is a story of a headstrong female and a sexy hot alpha male. The brilliant writing from the author and the compelling narration made it a huge sensation.

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