The world got divided long ago and there are classes now after the alien attacks on the planet. One which is the so-called upper class possesses the right to get high education in the university whereas the other category is denied this right. Among the Himba people who are uncivilized and uneducated, there is a girl named Binti who has unique talents of her own.
Because of the awesome performance, Binti is allowed to get an education at Oomza University but the condition is tough to fulfill. To get admission to the university Binto has to move away from her family forever and enter a world that does not like her at all. The girl is ready for this sacrifice because she wants to learn more and more at any cost. When she enters the new world she feels that the people here act very strangely.

The war against the alien race has affected them a great deal. It is up to Bintio to find out what is the problem and solve it with the help of her wisdom. Nnedi Okorafor wrote this story on the line of Akata Warrior and Akata Witch. There is one change i.e the girl has the power of wisdom to solve the problems instead of physical strength.
Bitni is not the kind of girl who would trust her muscles more than her brain. The narration of Robin Miles puts before us a character that is very gentle in appearance but still mentally she is hardcore. When she decides something she can leave her near and dear ones even for the sake of her goals.