Assigned a Mate

Usually, in our life, we look for different options and select the best possible thing for ourselves. However, when there is no way out of a situation and death becomes eminent then in that case survival is everything for a human being. Eva Daily had high hopes for her future life before the approach of destruction in her life.
She was about to die at the cruel hands of fate when she made a bold decision and became a part of the Interstellar Bride Program. At first, Eva had to go through many tests and trials after which she is given a mate with whom she has to go to his world. Trion becomes her new home which is a desert planet and her husband proves to be one of the cruel rulers.

Tark does not like to hear “No” for an answer because he has a habit of keeping his subjects under his thumb and that includes Eva too. Though Tark is a barbarian in appearance and punishes Eva on many occasions Eva cannot resist the temptation of that male alpha when he comes close to her. In her heart, she starts liking and perhaps loving Tark when the situation on earth changes once again.

This time Eva is not ready to leave the mate that was chosen for her. Grace Goodwin came up with stories such as Rogue Cyborg and Cyborg’s Secret Baby but in this novel love takes a strange twist. Eva at first gets scared from her mate and the desert planet and then she finds love in both of these things.

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