Anansi Boys is the second chapter in American Gods novel series. It is a science fiction and fantasy novel. The author of this amazing chapter is Neil Gaiman. He is an expert science fiction author. He has also written graphic novels, comic books, audio theater, nonfiction and films as well. This make him quite versatile in literary writing. The best novels from Neil Gaiman so far are: Norse Mythology and The Sandman.
Lenny Henry is new to the narration scene but he didn’t showed any sort of inexperience. Rather, his performance was just wow and he made this novel sound so good in audio. His speech styles and accents were just perfect.
When the father of Fat Charlie used to name something then it gets stuck. It is just like calling Fat Charlie as Fat Charlie. Even after a couple of decades later, Charlie Nancy is not in a position to shake the Fat Charlie name. It was a very embarrassing gift that he got from his father. It was all before he plunged dead and then ruined the life of Fat Charlie on a karaoke stage.

The Fat Charlie things were left by Mr. Nancy. Those were all the things like the good looking and a tall stranger appearing on the doorstep of Charlie. He appears to be the brother there whom he never knew. The brother was actually as different from Charlie as you think about the difference between night and day.
Anansi Boys is a top novel. This can be easily said as it won the Alex Award and Locus Award in 2006. Even the great writers like Stephen King praised it a lot for its excellent writing.