Alien Instinct

Past never leaves us and it continues to haunt us like nightmares at night. Our past defines our character on most occasions and some unlucky guys get negative comments from people because of the deeds which their ancestors committed. Rennek never wanted to be a hero but he didn’t want to be treated in an ill way either. Rennek’s father committed serious crimes against his people because of which his son is also considered a traitor. One day Rennek saves some females that were being taken away to a hostile place and here he sees Kate for the first time in his life. The man wasn’t looking for a mate but the presence of Kate right next to him made things different for him.
Kate was a free soul and when she was abducted she thought that her life was over but then she found Rennek who starts treating her as his mate. The female had experienced lust and sex before in her life and she was quite accustomed to all of that but love was something different which she experiences here for the first time.

Noelle Bridges and Mason Lloyd highlight the two characters during the love making through narration. During the love scenes, a listener can ignore the story for a while and live the sensation completely.

Alien Gift and Tamed by the Troll had a great impact on the career of Tracy Lauren as a writer and this one attests to the authority of the author on the world of fiction and romance at the same time. The appeal which brings both the characters close to one another is truly incomparable.

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