Alejandro Ruiz, Christopher Walker, Scott McCormick, Zeke Alton, Thomas Penny, and the rest of the group has again joined hands for the narration here. When Sanderson started the series it was just an experiment and many people thought that the author will not continue with it for a very long time. However, the author has treated it just like the other big series that he has written i.e with full focus.
The focus of the author never left the story and it is because of that concentration that the story didn’t end in the trilogy. Alcatraz’s character is not an extremely tragic one like the characters of The Original and The Way of Kings but he has his own issues which have kept him engaged. There are problems linked to his family and his personal life as well.

Now the fourth part shows the final attack of the Evil Librarians and Alcatraz is short of friends. As weapons, the hero has a few exploding teddy bears but this might not be enough for him. The librarians have come with giant robots too and they are not going to show any kind of mercy over Alcatraz and his friends. Fighting such a battle with force is not the answer so Alcatraz starts using his brain instead of the muscle power which he lacks.
He has always thought that such a day will come but he was not expecting it to be that quickly. His gathering of allies and friends has been less but he has to win the war with those few friends and a pair of glasses that he has in his possession.