After The Ending

The virus in the novel not only brought an end to civilization rather it brought an end to the entire human population. Some who survived the deadly attack of the virus think that they are not humans anymore because they are forced to live an entirely different kind of life.
Their house, friends, and relatives have disappeared into thin air and they have started a life which is just like the life of the people who used to live in the Stone Age.
Author Lindsey Fairleigh and Lindsey Pogue first introduce Dani in the novel who is twenty six years of age. Dani tells the listeners that the virus was just like flu in the beginning and then slowly the intensity of the epidemic increased. People started dying and the survivors became mad because of the frustration.

Then in the other part of the city, the audience confronts Zoe who is also twenty six years of age and is a survivor of the apocalypse. Surviving the ending was just the beginning of their troubled life as they start a quest to find more like them so that they can start a new civilization. Natalie Duke narrates how these two struggle to bring their life on track but it is not easy at all.

Out of the Ashes and Time Anomaly: A Time Travel Romance are top quality love stories with a lot of suspense involved. Novels of such kind are usually liked by young people as they possess more energy and a will to fight for their survival. Pessimism dominates the first half of the novel and after the two meet each other, the game changes completely.

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