
Laurell K. Hamilton is a very skillful writer of fantasy and romance. She has written quite a few enticing novels where Sucker Punch and Guilty Pleasures are at the top of the list. Affliction is another fine novel from the author. This one is a paranormal romance. It is the 22nd chapter in Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (Unabridged) novel series. Kimberly Alexis is here for the narration of the Affliction novel in audio format. The narration was above average. The only issue was that she sounds a bit too much of a high school rather than being a sociopath. All other performance-related factors were looking good.

Some zombies are the ones that are raised while some others are those who are put down. Anita Blake is the one to be asked about all this stuff.

She might have considered zombies as just off-putting while having nothing dangerous as such in them. She also had never heard about any of these creatures hurting humans or push them to perish in agony. But, this was all before now, before today. Everything is changed as of now.

The estranged father of Micah is nearing his death. There was some strange ailment of her father from inside which the doctors were terming as some sort of a zombie disease.

For Anita, zombies are her bread and butter. But, she doesn’t know these quite well. They are the ones that hunt in the daylight. You might become one of them if they bite you. So, how and where it will stop?

Affliction is an OK novel. There is nothing too much special about it. It was a slow novel to start with and took is a sweet time to start feeling a little bit interesting. The story was too much predictable as well. The narrations were just acceptable and nothing special in there to be praised.

Full Audiobook
